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I will be appearing on truTV

Posted by George Washington Hunt On 8:42 PM
Hey Everybody I am in Hollywood California filming for truTV. That's right, we have had such a great response from The Big Bad Bank DVD. People love it! We have had donations from around the world and people have been noticing our efforts. truTV contacted me and flew me down here and without giving too much away they want my expert opinion on environmental issues and the people behind these so called movements. We have several people posting my various videos. They are everywhere and people are enjoying them. If you haven't seen the latest and greatest Big Bad Bank documentary, go here and see what everyone is talking about. I am really excited to be able to share my story and concerns with you all and keep watching the videos and sending comments.

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About Me

Hello everyone, my name is George Washington Hunt and I am a Businessman in Boulder Colorado. In the late eighties, I went to a UN environmental conference as a volunteer and uncovered the largest deception of finance and Banking in US history. The Big Bad Bank is my 5th film which explains what is going on. I also have the Big Bad Bank, the book, which a written documentary that exhibits this modern day conspiracy. All of my Films and books were made without outside funding, I financed the books and videos myself so I could bring you the truth. Any support and donations are greatly appreciated, Thank you for visiting my blog.


Justin TV




The Big Bad Bank