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George Hunt North Africa trip: letters from Moraco

Posted by George Washington Hunt On 11:10 AM
Hello Folks!
When I disembarked from the ferry from Morocco to
Algeciras Spain(Gibraltar), I learned that a bus was leaving in 10
minutes to Seville. Otherwise I would have to wait for six hours to
head east toward France. So I took the bus to Seville and I am pleased
with my decision. Wound up by luck to find a nice hotel at 2300 hours
and, boy, was I tired by then. Lucked out to find the Las Casas de
los Mercaderes
and Wow! Just the right place
for a weary bus-ferry-train-taxi traveler who arose at 05:30 that
morning and was pretty tired by 23:00. Anyway, I am planning to stay
here one more night (though the price is high for my taste), attend a
flamenco concert tonight and decide today where I may go tomorrow.
In the meantime, it is Seville time and what a beautiful city it is!
I became very disappointed with the Arab culture. It is a long
story and I will recant some of my experiences with those Muslims who
say they love their neighbors.
Two young women on two separate occasions directed my paths during
the key points of my journey.s One was a young mother and the other
was getting her PhD in "rocket science"--Astro-something in Physics.
For some reason I want to get to Barcelona eventually and maybe
Marseilles as I befriended a chap named Dennis who is a singer in a
rock band there. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-do, life goes on ..¨".
A spell-check is not available and >I will not take the time now to
make my message impeccable. Love to you all. Will write later. Buzz
PS. Credit cards, etc. are doing their job just fine now. Austin,
don´'t forget to scratch the dogs and cats around their ears, sides
and tummies, as they wish. Hi to Kathy.
George Hunt
North africa

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About Me

Hello everyone, my name is George Washington Hunt and I am a Businessman in Boulder Colorado. In the late eighties, I went to a UN environmental conference as a volunteer and uncovered the largest deception of finance and Banking in US history. The Big Bad Bank is my 5th film which explains what is going on. I also have the Big Bad Bank, the book, which a written documentary that exhibits this modern day conspiracy. All of my Films and books were made without outside funding, I financed the books and videos myself so I could bring you the truth. Any support and donations are greatly appreciated, Thank you for visiting my blog.


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