When I disembarked from the ferry from Morocco to
Algeciras Spain(Gibraltar), I learned that a bus was leaving in 10
minutes to Seville. Otherwise I would have to wait for six hours to
head east toward France. So I took the bus to Seville and I am pleased
with my decision. Wound up by luck to find a nice hotel at 2300 hours
and, boy, was I tired by then. Lucked out to find the Las Casas de
los Mercaderes and Wow! Just the right place
for a weary bus-ferry-train-taxi traveler who arose at 05:30 that
morning and was pretty tired by 23:00. Anyway, I am planning to stay
here one more night (though the price is high for my taste), attend a
flamenco concert tonight and decide today where I may go tomorrow.
In the meantime, it is Seville time and what a beautiful city it is!
I became very disappointed with the Arab culture. It is a long
story and I will recant some of my experiences with those Muslims who
say they love their neighbors.
Two young women on two separate occasions directed my paths during
the key points of my journey.s One was a young mother and the other
was getting her PhD in "rocket science"--Astro-something in Physics.
For some reason I want to get to Barcelona eventually and maybe
Marseilles as I befriended a chap named Dennis who is a singer in a
rock band there. Ob-la-di, Ob-la-do, life goes on ..¨".
A spell-check is not available and >I will not take the time now to
make my message impeccable. Love to you all. Will write later. Buzz
PS. Credit cards, etc. are doing their job just fine now. Austin,
don´'t forget to scratch the dogs and cats around their ears, sides
and tummies, as they wish. Hi to Kathy.
Hello, my name is George Hunt. Today I want to speak to you about my forthcoming visit to North Africa. Business-wise, I am looking for entrepreneurs to begin mining potash in the Western Sahara. Second, I need a rest from my two intense years of videotape presentations, public speaking engagements and correspondence. The third reason for my trip, the most important reason, is to enlighten the Muslim people that Al Qaeda is methodically destroying the Muslim society piece by piece while the bankers of the U.S. and Europe are funding these campaigns of terror. The intention of the New World Order is to overwhelm and destroy the People of Muhammad and the Koran with armed violence. The West has created terrorism that is ripping the Muslim nations apart. They have instigated the recent North African rebellions, breeding chaos to unseat the governing authorities of the North African regions.
Muslims believe that Jesus Christ (Isa) will return at a time close to the end of the world. That time is now: their Redeemer is poised to be embraced by the Muslim people. The Koran, Muhammad the Prophet of God, the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Torah actually agree with one another, with few exceptions, that Jesus will descend at the point of a white arcade east of Damascus Jesus is considered a Muslim because his life embraced the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The Muslims believe that Jesus, the son of Mary, will slay the Antichrist and then there will be one community of believers in Jesus Christ: the Muslim community.
In Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656, Abu Huraira, Allah's Apostle, said, “The Hour, will not be established until the Son of Mary descends among you as a just ruler.” Based upon Muhammad's prophetic teachings, Islam will accept Jesus Christ and I believe that time is fast approaching. The time has come for Islam to take the cross of the Messiah on their shoulders and defeat the enemies who wish to destroy their lives. Signs and wonders will follow the people of the Book as they spread the Good News that Islam and Jesus are one.
The Book of Mark 23:26 tells us that a person named Simon the Cyrene (of Libya), was forcibly pulled from the crowd to carry Jesus' cross for Him. Simon was the only person who helped Jesus in his death-march to Golgotha and now Simon, Muslim Africa, is, again, being called upon to carry Jesus' cross in these end times. Edmond de Rothschild admitted once that the only thing the Rothschild Dynasty feared was the Levant, the Muslim people. If Islam would only awaken themselves of the doom planned for them by their enemies and follow Jesus, it would dramatically change Rothschild's plans for world conquest of all people everywhere. I am very pleased to be included in this wonderful act by the Holy Spirit. We'll all see what happens when and if the miracles, signs and wonders of supernatural occurrence come to pass in the Muslim world and make them believe in their Messiah, Isa. More information about Jesus in Islam can be found in the Wikipedia under “Jesus in Islam”. I hope you are not offended with this religious-type message.
George W Hunt
Hello, my name is George Hunt. I produce educational videotapes about the New World Order. I focus on the craven, immoral banking elite of Europe and America because they are the key figures of why there is so much evil in this world of ours. The Book of Revelations is very specific when it warns us about the members of the Synagogue of Satan. The words “synagogue” and “Satan” suggest that they are Jewish and they worship Satan. They certainly are as smooth as Satan. They love themselves and they love money. Fortunately, most Jews are not like them, but there are enough of these lice to destroy us. They drive our money systems of the Western Hemisphere while the Oriental banking elite drive the Eastern hemisphere. In the early 1800's the mother of the five Rothschild sons heard news of another European war. She exclaimed “Vay, it must be my five sons again!” A parallel Jewish joke is: “Baron Rothschild! I'm sorry to hear about a new war.” Rothschild's response is: “Shut up, you fool, it's not 'til next week!”
I am an ultra-conservative Jew that believes that Jesus Christ is Lord. I love God and try to respect people everywhere—even the Rothschild’s!
A Marrano is a Jew who poses as Christian, but is not. The Rockefellers, Rothschild's cousins, are part of the Marrano class. Their father is the Devil. They worship him in their special Synagogue.
The Rothschild’s established Israel through blackmail and extortion in 1917. In return for Israel as a territory, Rothschild promised that the Yanks would help England to keep the Germans from winning the war. President Wilson brought the American Expeditionary Force into Europe to save England from starvation by the Germans. The evil side of the Roman Church has cooperated with the Rothschild Devils since Herod and Pilate arranged the crucifixion of God's Son, Jesus Christ.
God's Roman banker, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, is the present director of the Vatican Bank. The Vatican Bank does illegal money deals of vast proportions with Banco Ambrosiano and other banks as evidenced by their 1982 and 2009 billion-dollar money-laundering schemes. Here's more evidence I have determined: Ettore Gottis Tedwschi, Vatican Bank, is also the Chairman of the Board of Banco Ambrosiano! Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the key Bolshaevik talking head, commented once that the New World Order “Will be like a boot kicking you in the face every day”. The Facebook psychopaths will see to that-- as you know from my earlier Facebook presentations at thebigbadbank.com.
I will soon go to Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and other African countries to see if I can learn how Rothschild cooks up revolutions. My guess right now is that Rothschild wants to restore the old Ottoman Empire to himself. I want to learn first-hand if I can, how a Rothschild revolution works.
I believe Mubarak is a puppet of the New World Order and the Rothschild team is actually in control of the supposed revolutions that are occurring in North Africa. Just as the Bolsheviks, the Reds as in Rothschild, uprooted the Czar and put Stalin into power, the African nations may suffer a similar fate.
While I am gone, each of you who have viewed this presentation and have found this and my videotapes at “thebigbadbank.com” valuable for your social networking groups to know, please share this knowledge since 1987 with your friends. In 1987 I was threatened by David Rockefeller that if I didn't keep my mouth shut (about the secret Rothschild/Rockefeller meeting I had just pierced) I would regret it.” My videotaped recordings of their meeting rocketed through the underground. A year later I was threatened with a law suit by the producers of the 4th World Wilderness Congress for a half-million dollars for libel and slander against I. M. Sweatmen, the World Conservation Bank President. My site contains the actual videotape I produced in 1988 which ticked them off. My retort was “OK, I'd be glad to be sued. Then I can tell a judge and six jury members exactly what you are up to”. I was surprised at my courage, and I have never heard a peep from them again. The leaders are fearful paranoid lice. Judging by their acts and arrogance, they have to be connected to Satan-Lucifer the fallen angel.
George W Hunt
the train and checked out my travel stuff. Hey, where is my Passport?
Left it at the hotel in the drawer "so I wouldn't lose it". In the
process of flinging through my luggage on the train, I dropped my
left shoe onto the floor of the train, only to discover the awful
truth when I arrived at my airport hotel in Casablanca. I did
retrieve my passport by getting a return train and paying the price of
walking back to my hotel. There it was, safe and sound. My
disappointment was overcome somewhat when I thought about the maid
finding my right shoe in the trash at the airport hotel this morning.
How would she report this to her manager? "Mon Chef, he left without
his right foot uncovered!" Anyway, that is how I turned a lemon into
a lemonade to ease my mind.and I got a silent chuckle out of it.
Also, it makes my trip lighter all the way through. More room for
presents for my friends!. Darn, I paid ten bucks for those great shoes
at the Salvation Army! They were nice too.
Met a good person named Ali on the flight to Casablanca and we'll
meet again in a few days from now. He's a primo caballero and wants
me to review his business plan to establish a riding academy. I
confessed to him that I was afraid to ride horses. Maybe I will
return as a cabellero. Who knows?
When I meet with him I shall suggest that he encourage the house of
Muhammad IV that he establish a mounted police/parade stable for the
King. I really think he could do it and that might be his grand
prize. Wow! What an idea! Hussein II, his son, would take to it I
think. It gives me goose bumps just to think about it! Really!
We'll talk about it when we get together;
He can prepare his presentation by, perhaps, showing pictures of the
NYPolice handling crowds firmly with horses and pictures of the Queen
of England's horse guards. He'll suggest to his Monarch that horses
might be used to control any assholes who defied the King, etc. And
Ali Al Ahiaeli would run the whole show for the King and train his
King's royal horsemen to appear to the world as perfect horsemen!
I'll send a copy of this letter to Ali so he can visulalize and can
think about it before we get together.
Had a great afternoon moving about the busy streets of Casablanca!
Great city; great country. Sincerely, Buzz
George Hunt
Heloo Everyone!
Hello, my name is George Hunt. I produce educational videotapes about the New World Order. I focus on the craven, immoral banking elite of Europe and America because they are the key figures of why there is so much evil in this world of ours. The Book of Revelations is very specific when it warns us about the members of the Synagogue of Satan. The words “synagogue” and “Satan” suggest that they are Jewish and they worship Satan. They certainly are as smooth as Satan. They love themselves and they love money. Fortunately, most Jews are not like them, but there are enough of these lice to destroy us. They drive our money systems of the Western Hemisphere while the Oriental banking elite drive the Eastern hemisphere. In the early 1800′s the mother of the five Rothschild sons heard news of another European war. She exclaimed “Vay, it must be my five sons again!” A parallel Jewish joke is: “Baron Rothschild! I’m sorry to hear about a new war.” Rothschild’s response is: “Shut up, you fool, it’s not ’til next week!”
I am an ultra-conservative Jew that believes that Jesus Christ is Lord. I love God and try to respect people everywhere—even the Rothschild’s!
A Marrano is a Jew who poses as Christian, but is not. The Rockefellers, Rothschild’s cousins, are part of the Marrano class. Their father is the Devil. They worship him in their special Synagogue.
The Rothschild’s established Israel through blackmail and extortion in 1917. In return for Israel as a territory, Rothschild promised that the Yanks would help England to keep the Germans from winning the war. President Wilson brought the American Expeditionary Force into Europe to save England from starvation by the Germans. The evil side of the Roman Church has cooperated with the Rothschild Devils since Herod and Pilate arranged the crucifixion of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
God’s Roman banker, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, is the present director of the Vatican Bank. The Vatican Bank does illegal money deals of vast proportions with Banco Ambrosiano and other banks as evidenced by their 1982 and 2009 billion-dollar money-laundering schemes. Here’s more evidence I have determined: Ettore Gottis Tedwschi, Vatican Bank, is also the Chairman of the Board of Banco Ambrosiano! Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the key Bolshaevik talking head, commented once that the New World Order “Will be like a boot kicking you in the face every day”. The Facebook psychopaths will see to that– as you know from my earlier Facebook presentations at thebigbadbank.com.
I will soon go to Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and other African countries to see if I can learn how Rothschild cooks up revolutions. My guess right now is that Rothschild wants to restore the old Ottoman Empire to himself. I want to learn first-hand if I can, how a Rothschild revolution works.
I believe Mubarak is a puppet of the New World Order and the Rothschild team is actually in control of the supposed revolutions that are occurring in North Africa. Just as the Bolsheviks, the Reds as in Rothschild, uprooted the Czar and put Stalin into power, the African nations may suffer a similar fate.
While I am gone, each of you who have viewed this presentation and have found this and my videotapes at “thebigbadbank.com” valuable for your social networking groups to know, please share this knowledge since 1987 with your friends. In 1987 I was threatened by David Rockefeller that if I didn’t keep my mouth shut (about the secret Rothschild/Rockefeller meeting I had just pierced) I would regret it.” My videotaped recordings of their meeting rocketed through the underground. A year later I was threatened with a law suit by the producers of the 4th World Wilderness Congress for a half-million dollars for libel and slander against I. M. Sweatmen, the World Conservation Bank President. My site contains the actual videotape I produced in 1988 which ticked them off. My retort was “OK, I’d be glad to be sued. Then I can tell a judge and six jury members exactly what you are up to”. I was surprised at my courage, and I have never heard a peep from them again. The leaders are fearful paranoid lice. Judging by their acts and arrogance, they have to be connected to Satan-Lucifer the fallen angel.
George Washington Hunt
Hello, my name is George Hunt. Today I want to speak to you about my forthcoming visit to North Africa. Business-wise, I am looking for entrepreneurs to begin mining potash in the western Sahara. Second, I need a rest from my two intense years of videotape presentations, public speaking engagements and correspondence. The third reason for my trip, the most important reason, is to enlighten the Muslim people that Al Queda is methodically destroying the Muslim society piece by piece while the bankers of the U.S. and Europe are funding these campaigns of terror. The intention of the New World Order is to overwhelm and destroy the People of Muhammad and the Koran with armed violence. The West has created terrorism that is ripping the Muslim nations apart. They have instigated the recent North African rebellions, breeding chaos to unseat the governing authorities of the North African regions.
Muslims believe that Jesus Christ (Isa) will return at a time close to the end of the world. That time is now: their Redeemer is poised to be embraced by the Muslim people. The Koran, Muhammad the Prophet of God, the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Torah actually agree with one another, with few exceptions, that Jesus will descend at the point of a white arcade east of Damascus Jesus is considered a Muslim because his life embraced the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. The Muslims believe that Jesus, the son of Mary, will slay the Antichrist and then there will be one community of believers in Jesus Christ: the Muslim community.
In Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656, Abu Huraira, Allah's Apostle, said, “The Hour, will not be established until the Son of Mary descends among you as a just ruler.” Based upon Muhammad's prophetic teachings, Islam will accept Jesus Christ and I believe that time is fast approaching. The time has come for Islam to take the cross of the Messiah on their shoulders and defeat the enemies who wish to destroy their lives. Signs and wonders will follow the people of the Book as they spread the Good News that Islam and Jesus are one.
The Book of Mark 23:26 tells us that a person named Simon the Cyrene (of Libya), was forcibly pulled from the crowd to carry Jesus' cross for Him. Simon was the only person who helped Jesus in his death-march to Golgotha and now Simon, Muslim Africa, is, again, being called upon to carry Jesus' cross in these end times. Edmond de Rothschild admitted once that the only thing the Rothschild Dynasty feared was the Levante, the Muslim people. If Islam would only awaken themselves of the doom planned for them by their enemies and follow Jesus, it would dramatically change Rothschild's plans for world conquest of all people everywhere. I am very pleased to be included in this wonderful act by the Holy Spirit. We'll all see what happens when and if the miracles, signs and wonders of supernatural occurrence come to pass in the Muslim world and make them believe in their Messiah, Isa.. More information about Jesus in Islam can be found in the Wikipedia under “Jesus in Islam”. I hope you are not offended with this religious-type message.
Signed George W Hunt

Hello, my name is George Hunt. This is Part II of a two-part expose of Facebook Corporation.In Part I, I stated how ironic it seems to me that Mark Zuckerberg, a liar according to witnesses and the law, should be the CEO of a social site!. I also introduced the possibility that Facebook Corporation's intentions are to establish themselves as the Big Brother of communications, finance and social control. Facebook's central office location is not in Silicon Valley, California. Facebook's actual home is in the secret offices of Goldman Sachs of London. Facebook is actually controlled by the Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs is their venture capital collection center for Facebook's billions of venture capital funds. The venture capitalist insiders will make a fortune when Facebook goes public in late 2011 or early 2012.
Big Brother, or should I say, the Facebook Corporation, collects our information on a daily basis.as we chat with others. The fine-tuned paranoid software from PayPal and Microsoft plus the stolen source code that Zuckerberg stole from trusting clients cost Facebook $65 million in damages, PayPal owner, Peter Thiel, has injected his expertise and a little money into Facebook. His three percent share was recently valued at $1.5 billion or so. The true value may be half that because I Facebook uses hyped-up false . information. Microsoft Corporation owns 1.9 percent share, but watch out, future Facebook shareholders--Microsoft also has a side-contract within the Facebook system wherein Microsoft will share profits 50-50 of Facebook's bannner advertising net profits, a great source of future income. Clever partnerships within Corporations can be used to cheat the public shareholders by using clever accounting techniques to divert profits and dividends away from the public shareholders into Microsoft's coffers. We'll never be able to unravel their lies as they play their game against their public shareholders. They can create artificially-high and low profits and dividends by steath... Don't forget that I helped create corporations and I know what evils a corporation can do.
Facebook is presently linking with huge Asian sites like Aliababa and Russia's DST. Alibaba is a large business-to-business world internet system based in China. Their systems will allow Facebook to arrange shipments just as Alibaba does, eventually damaging the important wholesaler function. What terrible consequences await business when Facebook gets a hold on it. Facebook, in return, will treat them to their sociopathic human control management systems. Large Russian, Indian and Asian networks are joining Facebook in January and February 2011. Mark Zuckerman's traveling shows in Asia will suck others into the Facebook dream. The Rothschild's accountants and lawyers of Goldman Sachs Bank of London, will lock up the contracts. The new joiners may not even know what Rothschild is really up to, which is, in my opinion based on knowledge and research, particularly from the Wikipedia's excellent 20-page report on Facebook's past, Complete Civililian Control.
PayPal and Microsoft technology constantly flow into Facebook's software arsenal. Every government entity, every business enterprise, every person's activities, will become Facebook's core of information. The owners of Facebook are powerful hitters in the world of cybertechnology. President Obama warned Americans in 2008, “Don't put anything personal in Facebook”. He knew what he was talking about. Beware of all social networking sites as.they'll all collected into one site someday.

Facebook Corporation is basically owned by the same false-Jewish, half-Jewish Rothschild bankers who own the Federal Reserve of the U.S. These filthy-rich false-Jews own Facebook under anonymous street names like Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Bank Leumi of Tel Aviv and other street-names. Their goals are to make Facebook Corporation the telescreen featuared in the novel by George Orwell called “1984”, and lock humanity into a net of lies complete with false statistics and bank records, false accusations, and requqired daily routines prescribed for them at their whim. I have studied these devil-worshipping families since 1971. They are undoing the Bible, reinstating the Tower of Babel, restoring one languaage through Facebook, and creating a World Thought Police. Let's review: Look at Facebook's founders and investsors. Psychopaths anti-social to the max. Do you care? Europe's bankers are packing billions of dollars into Facebook to swindle the public with their stock offering. A large portion of the initial public offering windfall will go into the pockets of the investors and a portion reinvested to build a solid world-wide telescreen system to erase privacy and insert fear in its stead.
Facebook's venture capitalists, the owners of Facebook, will-- with no ifs, ands or buts--control our daily affairs. Google, Yahoo, large sites like these, will be eventually absorbed into one Facebook system. With sno competition and no standards of social ethics and morality, with no competition from alternate sites, Facebook will become “Like a boot kicking you in the face every day” to borrow a quote from Lenin, the arch-Communist. They'll know everything we do, where we are, our credits and debits in a cashless socirety, what we say to our friends and enemies, social and political group gossip, almost all things. To summarize, Facebook is not a friendly social site. It's nasty character a la Zuckerberg and Rothschild, can and will be like hell on earth when they really get going. Like the Black Plague creeping into society, Facebook's dishonesty, arrogance and disregard for society will, not may-- make life in the world's future societies practically intoloreable.
American investors are excluded by Goldman Sachs of London because the SEC would require them to state the names of the individual investors. These filthy- rich bankers hide their identity and American laws would expose them. My research of who owns Facebook Corporation reveals the names and ownership as you see them on the screen. The Zuckerberg group, the Rothschild groups, Thiel of PayPal and, of course, Microsoft. Other owners like the Warburgs, the Federal Reserve bankers, the bankers of China, South Korea and Paris, own a big hunk but their names, too, are hidden in the vaults of Goldman Sachs of London. IBM, the Rockefeller Family Trusts, the Queen of England and her Lords and Ladies are probably listed among the investors as well. These elite masters probably laugh at society, at us, for not figuring out what they are doing right in front of our eyes. Today, you know—or at least you might have a sneaking suspicion that I may be, perhaps, half-right. Signed, George W Hunt


Every piece of information we text or email is stored in Facebook's memories. If someone wants to defame you or use your texts and emails to condemn you somehow, the parties can request that Facebook Corporation provide a record of your private life; every word you have written, as court's evidence. Court prosecutors are already using cell phone histories against the defendant. The social sites have all of our information stored somewhere, we can easily see how this information could be used to our demise and destruction. Count on it; someday it will. The Constitution, the Bill of Rights, these guarantees of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness will eventually be a thing of the past. Big Brother will someday organize our daily activities and his mentality is being slowly introduced into society by IBM, Microsoft, PayPal, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg and the rest of the banking elite of the elite. Big Brother will be introduced into our society through Facebook Corporation. I'll now try to show, almost prove, why I have singled out Facebook Corporation as an evil-inspired social site owned by the Rothschild dynasty and the evil international banking elite Wikipedia's exhaustive 20-page report on Facebook indicates that the founders of Facebook are actually the “sociopathic elite” , persons who have little or no social concience. Facebook Corporation's founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has been sued more than once for his disdain for personal rights and breaking the patent and copyright laws which protected other parties. Harvard University dropped a case against Facebook for invading the private lives of Harvard's student body. They handled it internally. Next, Zuckerberg was sued by a software company who had hired him to help them. He stole their source code and installed it in his Facebook system. Facebook lost the case and had to pay $65 million in restitution for stealing their source code.
Now Facebook and Zuckerberg are probably going to lose a pending securities fraud case. Psychiatrists might label the Facebook organization as sociopathic, starting with Zuckerberg. How ironic that a person who has little regard for society's privacy would be the inventor and CEO of a vast social networking site, a group that has regularly shown that they seem to have regard for others and have little or no regard for the laws and manners of society,
Remember when President Obama warned us in 2008 to not put anything personal on Facebook—or, I suppose, any other social networking sites for that matter. Every item one puts into Facebook is a permanent, obtainable, record that Facebook owns..Our chats are stored away somewhere in the system and can be retrieved at Facebook's will at the speed of light.. Now add the fact that the international banking elite now own and control Facebook. The evil society of money-lenders and destroyers of contemporary civilization are the filthy-rich overworld, the highest elite of all societies, the sociopaths who sell their souls to gain the whole world. I'll tell you their names in Part II of this two-part presentation: Here's a hint: Do Goldman Sachs. PayPal, Microsoft, the Rothschilds, Warburg, Bank Leumi of Israel, et cetera ring a danger-bell in your fight of flight mechanisms? Thank you for listening thus-far; and now we'll turn to Part II: Who owns and does deals with the Facebook Corporation?
Signed, George W Hunt
Ronald Reagan diminished the power of Executive Order 11,110 in 1982 but Kennedy's Order was never overruled by the Senate. Any President can choose to issue the Order to make our own money any time he or she wishes. And what president would choose to give his life for his country for doing what President Kennedy got murdered for? Lyndon B Johnson? He verbally countermanded Presidential Order 11,110 soon after Kennedy died. Ronald Reagan? He played with the wording a little to dilute it. William Clinton Rockefeller? How about George Bush Sr and George Bush Jr? Carter? Obama? Were there any patriotic Presidnets among them to pull the plug on the Fed? Did the President do it again like Kennedy?
Suppose a brave, patriotic person somehow became President through his popular election slogan of “End the Fed”. During the election time he promised to free Americans from the domination of the “Federal Reserve. He told the voters he would sign another Kennedy order and print the Order into the daily Government Federal Register. He knew that the easy part was writing the Order and printing it. After that, though, he would be a marked man ready for destruction by the Federal Reserve Corporation. What President since Kennedy would give his life for his country? I once presumed that every President had a basic value in every American's heart. Now I wonder.
Suppose next that the President's money presses begin rolling out the U.S. Money. At this point the powers of the Illuminist European Bankers are at their weakest since every Senator's core beliefs in our Country will be exposed to the light if the Executive Order is forced to a vote in the Senate. If he votes against the President's Order, the country will despise him but the Fed will love him. He preferred a temporary despisement versus death by the Fed. Anyway, the Press will soon whitewash the Senators' treason into a patriotic gesture and the Aamericans will be taught to believe it..
The Federal Reserve is not a part of the United States government. It is a private corporation of false-Jewish bankers who say they are Jewish but they are not Jewish. People of Israel call them half-Jews today. The Herod Dynasty were half-Jews and converted to Jew by force. These people who follow a Luciferian religion are at the verge of consuming the power of the world for themselves. Their ancestors were currency traders at least 2,000 years ago. Remember when Jesus Christ scourged the money-changers in the Temple with a whip and knocked over their currency tables? They had a profitable currency exchange monopoly in the Temple to exchange the local currencies of the faithful into the only acceptable coins to God in the Temple. “You shall not make my father's house a den of thieves! Jesus yelled. Interestly, Andrew Jackson shouted these same words at the money-changers shortly after he barely escaped assasination by stdhe assailant hired by the European money changers. His pistols didn't fire..
Here are the names of the original owners of the Federal Reserve Bank Corporation according to many sources: The Rothschild Group of banking houses control over 53 percent of the Corporation which, in turn, controls our United States Federal Reserve system. The original stockholders of their greedy group are : The Rothschilds of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers of Paris; Israel Moses Seaf of Italy; Kuhn, Loeb & Co.of Germany and New York; Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany; Lehman Brothers of London; Goldman, Sachs of London; Rockefeller Brothers of New York; and sthe Bank Israel Leumi of Tel Aviv and London.
Actually, the Rockefellers are cousins of the Rothschilds: The Rothschilds financed their vast monopolies. Anagrams of their names strongly suggest that the Rothschild and Rockefeller names both evolve to “Redchild”, the original family name of their original ancestor, Esau. They are called the "Synagogue of Satan” in Revelations 2 of the New Testament . Descended from the anciaent Esau-Herod-Rothschild culture, they scertainly are not the true Jews of Israel's true hope. These ravenous beasts have put together most of the wars and major revolutions since, at least, the horrible French Revolution. Every American President who has defied them to control our currency has been assasinated. Only Andrew Jackson escaped their evil wrath when both pistols of the assailant failed to fire. Jackson beat the assailant up with his cane right on the spot!
Once a President enacts an Executive Order to start printing American money, a Senate majority vote is required to overide his Order. President Lyndon Johnson verbally remanded Kennedy's Order almost immediately after Kennedy's death but the Senate never officially countermanded it by the two-thirds majority required by the Constitution in these matters. No Senators dared say a word against Kennedy's bold Executive Order. Sthe cowards let a sleeping dog lie. If a Senator dared to vote against the Fed and uphold Kennedy's Order, various dangers, including murder, would certainly await the Senator. So the Senator thinks “Is it better to be a live dog than a dead lion?” Why should I die for a lost cause? An why should I pass up this fantastic bribe promised to me if I vote against Kennedy”s order? A fantastic bribe from the European pigs or a possible death sentence from the Federal Reserve hit men?
Yes, we can get out from under the evil Federal Reserve bankers very easily. But, really, how many public servants do the right thing for America? At this point in time the idea of stopping the Fed is a pipe dream. Our currency and economic freedoms probably departed with the Kennedy tragedy. All of this "End the Fed" stuff can cease right now. We do not have a functioning Federal Reserve anymore. The money-changers have moved the Fed to a new Central Bank, leaving our country in a flood of fiat currency and bankruptcy.
According to my original videotape ofd 1988, our money will eventually be regulated and circulated from Canada. Read about M&T Bank Corporation headquartered in Buffalo, New York. It's grown into a giant right just across the border from Toronto, Canada. Two other huge banks are also in Buffalol—First Niagara Bank and Midland Marine Bank of London. Together, they have merged so many eastern banks idnnto their syndicate that they control retail banking throughout New England, New York, Maryland, and Delaware to name a few areas. SThey are moving the power and cash of our country into the Federal Reserve to Canada.
I suspect the Fed has completed their evil work. I remember a precept in international finance that a new Cental Bank should be placed next to the country of the old Federal Reserve bank that they are replacing. I think it had to do with enabling smoother currency flows and barter transactions . Another precept: Their currencies of both banks should be in parity with each other. SThis occurred recently when the Canadian and US dollars equalaled one dollar in each country. I predict that the Federal Reserve Bank of the U.S. is close to being replaced by a Canadian Central Bank-- perhaps in conjunction with the Royal Bank of Canada. I foresee that the regulation of our currency will eventually come from Canada. As Canada is a commonwealth country, we will become yoked to the British Empire, the largest empire yet created by man. On October 20, 2010, a significant event took place when Shalom Ben Bernanke made his speech fdrom Jekyll Island, Georgia, the location where the Fed was put together by their scum in 1913? I think it was sstaged from that location to signify that the Fed had done his work against us and it was time for our Fed to disappeared..GWH.
Here are my suggestions to each of you who love our country to create this hullabaloo. Please send this message further and share it with each of your personal email contacts. Eventually, millions of people will demand a transparent treasury and a transparent treasurer. We must demand an audit, an accounting, of the $700 Billion TARP funds Timothy Geithner has controlled and from where did the $134 Billion Kennedy Bonds emerge? And Why are we sending Billions to foreign banks?
Please follow these easy instructions about how you can participate in the Hullabaloo.
Number one: Pass this message on to every personal contact you have on your email lists. Send a link from this video here and share it. You can also share the message on twitter, facebook and youtube. Who stole the Kennedy bonds ?
Number two: Use our link to complain to your senators and representatives about potential fraud in the Treasury department. This is how you do it: You can find out who you congressman and senator is by going to this page on the government website. Type in your state and county, then your representatives will pop up, Send the message...no more big bad banks! We want thee Kennedy bonds back.
Number three: Ask God to save our nation. A special prayer for all of my work here on the big bad bank would help. ask god in your prayers to not let America succumb to world domination by diabolical forces in Banks or bearer bonds........ I will pray for you too.
And once again you can see all of my videos, audio tapes and book right here at TheBigBadBank.com
Watch the Stolen Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit? Video Here
The link to contact your state representatives mentioned in this video can be found here:http://www.senate.gov
You can contact him here: georgehunt@thebigbadbank.com (less info)
concerning the above lawsuit. I recently launched a DVD/Videotape on
the subject of the lack of transparency in the Treasury Department and
then I ran across your article that gave me the impression that you
were doing something about it. After two years of strenuous legal
work, where are you in the matter? Is this another dead case that
journalists say is being done, but it isn't?
Please, find out to whom all the treasury's money is going and what
are the instruments that created the presumed indebtedness of AIG and
other huge banks. Was there possible stealth afoot in applying the
TARP and other funds? What has Geithner touched that may be contrary
to honesty and ethics? Look at his income tax history in Wikipedia
for a start.
My God, if Bloomberg has not kept its promise to fight for
transparency in this case and then let it die, then shame on whoever
did not pursue it. Were they mere soothsayers who promised to gain
transparency and then let the case peter out somewhere in the system?
Thank you for listening and I really would like to chat briefly with
one of you about where this case is really at. Sincerely, George W.
P.S.: The videotape I recently launched about the lack of treasury
transparency can be seen at "thebigbadbank.com". Its subject is "The
Kennedy Bonds: Whodunit?"
President John F. Kennedy issued U.S. Silver certificates backed
by silver, not Federal Reserve paper, on June 4, 1963, bypassing the
Federal Reserve to re-establish our own money system. This brave
President stripped the Federal Reserve bankers (the Rothschilds) of
their power to loan money to the U.S. government at interest. The
historic Executive Order 11,110 to sa

international bankers still remains in existence, but no president
since President Kennedy has had the courage to say “No” to the Federal
Reserve cabal.
President Kennedy issued $4.3 Billion into our currency flow.
The currency liability was backed by silver and supported by laegal
assets of ten $1 Billion “Kennedy Bonds” plus “any silver bullion,
silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury”. President
Kennedy began replacing the $1's, $5's and $10's of worthless Federal
Reserve notes with a hard currency backed by silver. Unfortunately,
the Rothschild cabal had him murdered in Dallas before $20's were
On June 8, 2009 the ten “Kennedy Bearer Bonds” worth $1 Billion
each appeared in the luggage of two Japanese travelers intercepted at
the Italian-Switzerland border. Ten Billion dollars in Kennedy Bonds
plus 249 bonds and notes worth $124 Billion were stuffed in their
suitcases. These bonds and notes could only have disappeared from the
U.S. Treasury by authority of Secretary Timothy Franz Geithner
(“gaitner”). Previously the President of the New York Federal Reserve
Bank, the key bank of the Federal Reserve, he conspired with the Fed
to get the bonds out of the treasury and sell them for 40 to 60 cents
on the dollar with assistance from the Vatican Bank and Banco
Ambrosiano of Italy. Both banks have larcenous pasts.
Timothy Geithner, our “trusted treasury servant” has a larcenous
past as well. After working under Henry Kissinger for three years he
eventually ascended to Under Secretary of the Treasury for
International Affairs under Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, his
mentors and proteges. He ascended next to the Presidency of the Fed
of New York His history includes the decision not to rescue Lehman
Brothers from bankruptcy though he had knowledge that Lehman Brothers
sent $400 million of their shareholders' capital to three Israeli
banks, causing the Lehman collapse. Many experts believe that his
failure to act caused the Sepatember 2008 tumble of our financial
systems. He never disclosed his insider information to the public.
Timothy Geithner has been caught cheating on his income taxes
too. Geithner's tax crimes cost him many thousands of back-taxes.
He paid $15,000 in interest and penalties in 2006 alone! He called
his crimes “careless” “avoidable” and “unintentional”. This is sthe
same person who stole the $134 Billion from the Treasury and sent it
to Italy. See what kind of morals and ethics guiide our government?
The bonds were delivered to the Italian underground P-2 Masonic
Lodge (“Propaganda Due”) which attempted to sell the bonds to
syndicate banks who needed to beef up their balance sheet capital
sections. The Italian newspapers noted that P-2 failed to sell them.
The underground syndicate then arranged for the bonds to be purposely
intercepted by the Italian currency authorities so that Italy could
at least get their 40 percent “fine income” from the bonds. The fine
amounts to over $50 Billion in income to Italy at the expense of the
U.S. Treasury. Geithner is a thief!
Dear Mr. Benedetti-Valentini:
Thank you for your reporting about Banque Credit Agricole's
fantastic profit performance. The news is all over town that Agricole
Credit is on the rise! My goodness, they only changed their public
name to Bank Agricole in February 2010 and their Chief Executive
Officer Jean-Paul Chifflet only took the reins of the bank six months
ago in March 2010. Already Agricole is receiving awards for this and
that from JPMorgan, Chase and others. Already their profits are
soaring. They have acquired a string of 172 banks in Italy
through their purchase of Intesa's majority stake. Credit Agricole
must be a very rich bank to buy a whole chain of banks only six months
after they began their retail presence! Objective, independent,
auditors have not yet gotten their hands on Agricole Credit's Balance
Sheet. It is essential to do so before Italy makes a very bad decision and
allows Agricole to overwhelm their financial platforms.
A quick background check on Agricole's rising star begins with
the conference I attended in September 1987 (the 4th World Wilderness
Conference [See "thebigbadbank.com", my U.S. site for info]). I was
an official there and witnessed the beginning stage of Agricole Credit
by Baron Edmond de Rothschild and Messrs Maurice Strong, David
Rockefeller, Treasury Secretary Baker, McNeill (Geneva U.N.) and many
more financial -- and environment -- leaders and dignitaries
world-wide. Did you know about this bank conference? Very few did.
After Rothschild's enactment to create this bank I began work tracing
activity toward a World Conservation Bank concept. For over 23 years I
have gradually seen how Rothschild is going to pull it off. Agricole
Credit is the banking system he is using to absorb each country's
banking systems. Once he controls the credit and currencies of the
world, he's on his way to whatever his heart may delight in, including the
destruction of indigenous people and surrounding wildlife. It certainly will
not be blessings, as the new Rothschild society will be a demonic
deluge. Their ultimate plans are known to me now but I shall stay to the point.
Leave it to say it won't be "nice" as. I foresee that an
intolerable medieval society will come to pass with billions of people
disenfranchised from their inalienable rights to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness through Agricole.
The bank will eventually collapse because of the false surpluses
which have been intentionally created through their acquisition of the
defunct Credit Lyonnaise Bank, also known as the "Dead Phoenix Bank".
Bank accounting is on an accrual basis and Agricole can develop
profits where no actual money was received. Their falsified asset
values need to be exposed right now to correct dishonesty in their
accounting methods before they metastasize themselves into every
economy and every household.
Were the quarterly reports which they provided to you correct?
Have good, sound, accounting standards been established through
examination by independent auditors? I'm talking about honest,
vigilant, independent auditors,; not Agricole's protests to choose
their own auditors, Objective auditors will plod through the numbers and,
for example, determine if AIG's transfer of U.S. TARP funds to
Agricole was based upon a falsified loan receivable set up by Agricole
Credit in anticipation of the world financial plunge in 2008. Other
falsifications have certainly occurred, knowing the nature of the
bank's creators. How was this $3 billion receipt of U.S. monies
through AIG reflected on Agricole's (so far untouchable) Balance
Sheet? General questions will get general answers: Only a complete
audit can determine who is cheating. Agricole requires a thorough
audit of their books.
Agricole Credit was created out of the shell of Credit Lyonnaise,
the financial agency used to purchase equipment to massacre 800,000
persons in Rwanda. "Ethnic genocide" the U.N. named it. The
Rothschild group took over Lyonnaise's assets after most of their
oriiginal records had been supposedly lost in a 1996 fire. The
Lyonnaise reputation was severely damaged when the Rwanda plot was
discovered. Rothschild's group bought Lyonnaise and then created
asset values at will, out of thin air.
Agricole's Balance Sheet reflects false surpluses concocted after
the Lyonnaise fire. One of the things they may have done was to
create a notes receivable from AIG for a $3 billion debt supposedly
owed to them by AIG. Did AIG show this as a loan payable on their
books? When and why? It's hard to for Agricole to cook up a note
receivable without AIG's assistance. We all know about AIG's
principles and ethics because of their deceit in banking. AIG's books were
doctored up to create that loan payable. Ask the AIG auditors to
confirm a rational reason for their indebtedness to AIG. In other
words, how were their assets created? This is the kind of examination
that intense auditing must determine at this stage of Agricole's
instense growth. Look at all the harm AIG caused due to fraudulent bookkeeping. When AIG took its bailout money and paid over $3
billion to Agricole Credit, were the indebtedness facts true or false?
Do we know? Do many people know of these potential irregularities?
Please, push for a substantial audit of Agricole Credit.
Italy may regret the intrusion of Agricole into their fianancial
systems some day. This Rothschild banking creation will do harm to
all societies and economies everywhere.
I will close now, though there is still much I could tell about
Baron Rothschild, Maurice Strong and the bankers. Thank you again,
Mr. Benedetti-Valentini, for your good report in the Bloomberg
Financials about Agricole Credit's wonderful 89 percent profit
increase. Just take it with a slight grain of salt. I would like to hear from you and get your thoughts about this bewildering email I am
sending to you. Perhaps your keen journalism abilities can clear this
atmosphere of intrigue. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or seek further clarification please due not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely Yours,
George W. Hunt geo.hunt70@gmail.com 303-834-8004
Hello Readers! The suspicious missing TARP funds
were given to many foreign banks through AIG. For example, the
billions given to AIG by our government passed through AIG into the
hands of Rothschild's Banque Agricole. Over three billion dollars of
the taxpayers' money poured into the hands of Agricole based on an
unaudited suspicious loan payable on AIG's accounting books.
TARP officials insisted that AIG settle its huge loan with
Rothschild's Agricole Bank before others were paid off by AIG.
Somehow, possibly by stealth, Rothschild's Agricole Bank chain cashed
in on America's TARP money.
Our question might be: Were the AIG loans honestly incurred by
AIG or were they deviously created in preparation for the fall of AIG?
I think the U.S. taxpayers have been "foiled again".
George Hunt
Hello! Our search for the ultimate Rothschild "World
Conservation Banking Programme" is producing more concrete evidence of
where it came from and where it's going. The last blog I produced
stated that "BANQUE CREDIT AGRICOLE" is the appellation of this
emerging world banking octopus.
The five-month old "AGRICOLE BANK" has already been awarded
honors by JPMorganChase for very effective banking. When Chase
blesses a bank, a cozy relationship May probably be in the stew. Time
will tell.
Remember from the last blog that Banque Edmond de Rothschild,
Geneva, has been noted in the AGRICOLE bank publications that the
Rothschilds are important AGRICOLE confidantes and advisers.
According to AGRICOLE sites, AGRICOLE is currently spreading its
French tentacles throughout the globe to eventually control world
I believe AGRICOLE is ballooning with fraudulent assets in most
areas of its systems. Chances are almost 100 percent that they
haven't ever received a complete HONEST audit of the primary and
affiliate banking members. Its true capital base is suspected by
fellow bankers ever since they acquired bankrupt CREDIT LYONNAISE (and
possibly placed fictitious and non-performing assets into their
balance sheet in the process to give the bank an appearance of
strength. (see previous blog).
Society will be victimized by this ultimate bank and its
possibly-sinister directorship.
Sincerely, George Hunt
Alas, the World Conservation Banking System does not
stoppable---unless an Act of Almighty God intervenes. Edmond de
Rothschild's world banking system is so complex, so infiltrated with
graft, lies and even murder, and is supported by so many "respectable"
world bankers who love money and fear Rothschild, that the system
cannot be unraveled from its present irrevocable course toward world
despotism and ruin--except (temporarily) for the rich elite. After
the deluge, Rothschild will most likely sateal from his elite
friends--as he did in the Waterloo stock market in 1815. That's the
only humor in this story.
We can be practically assured that the U.S. will fall into the
hands of the international banking cabal. As we learned from the
Germans in 1933, after the bankers are ensconced, then come the
terrorists, mercenaries, nazis and menscheviks--all under the red flag
of Rothschild. Russia was the first great nation conquered by the
Rothschilds; America is next. England was conquered long ago (1815)
when the Rothschilds mercilessly gained control of the Bank of
England hated the U.S. for their successful revolution against
King George. Rothschild and England have, ever since, performed nasty
activities against the U.S. to eventually give them control over our
country. Canada submitted to become a Crown Colony of the Queen of
England and, since, has been used to buffet the U.S. on many
occasions, (such as supporting the ugly presence of Maurice Strong and
his multiple violations of water rights, mineral rights, political
ethics, stealing from the U.N., etc.)
For those wishing to share my disappointments, Google "AIG
Rothschild", "Agricole Egypt Rothschild" and, particularly, "HSBC Bank
Rothschild" (short for "Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation"),
or any major world bank. HSBC seems to be moving as fast as Credit
Agricole to weave its banking webs of Control to catch us spiders and
little flies at the Teller's Window. Google any major bank plus
"Rothschild" and it may help one understand that his financial web has
been laid and we merely need to wait for the "Deluge".
Sincerely, George Hunt.